It lacks a cab light and most basic functionalities, and the texture quality looks like vomit even by 2011 standards. This is a really old model, with the regular Class 67 being in the Classics range.

Or it would in theory, but as it is a third-rail train, and the Fife Circle Line does not have third rail electrification, it is a brick.

It requires the old Portsmouth Direct line which is NOT INCLUDED and will therefore only be available for quick drive. In this case - and this is a problem I noted with this pack overall - the route for this train is not present in the pack. Consequently, the physics are off, the sounds are horrid, and the scenarios are all concentrated within Classics edition routes. However these are models which are nearing on a decade in age. Train Simulator has a number of them on offer. After its introduction, these slam-door electric multiple units (EMUs) became known as the 420 series. BR Class 421 '4CIG' - One of the famous 4XXX trains, designated as such prior to the introduction of TOPS in 1973.Now, let's get to the meat and potatoes of this. Now, if you want to know more about RailWorks specifically, I wrote a Steam review, available here. All of these are quite good and I'd say the pack is worth it for those three. To clarify, the base game comes with three routes: the Fife Circle Line, a non-electrified Scottish inter-urban stopping route using UK signalling the Kiel to Lubeck route, which is a single-track non-electrified German diesel route (a rarity and an oddity) and the Clinchfield railway, a mid-1970's heavy US freight route.

Fret not, I have spent the last two and a half hours writing this extensive review of every module included (that I own) and how they relate to the base game. Some of you may be here because you've seen this Humble Bundle offer but have no idea what it contains. My family doesn't like me, my therapist thinks I have a problem, and I have alienated my partner. I've clocked in about 2k hours on Train Simulator and have spent about that much in terms of euros on it.